Sunday, July 25, 2010
So Many Cakes so Little Blog
Thursday, July 23, 2009
The Amazing Gelatin!
Remember when I was on last time I said I would tell you all how to do that gelatin thing? Well, I didn't forget and I will share with you how it's done. First let me show you again the cake I put it on.
Well in case you are wondering...this cake is suppose to be some kind of metal "thing" with a portal enshrouded with purple flames. It didn't quite make it past the idea stage but all those "flames" are made of gelatin. Here's how you can do it. Bye the way...try a bow.
Okay. Take 2 1/2 parts of water to 1 part gelatin. Warm in microwave. Let sit 5 - 10 mins. Peel the scum off and rewarm what's left so that it liquefies. Take a paint brush (1/2 inch works well) and paint the gelatin onto a stiff textured plastic surface. As it dries it will pop off by itself. Don't touch it until it has popped off a good amount. You can color and flavor the gelatin as you heat it. When it gets to the point of popping off you can peel it off the rest of the way. From here you can cut it with scissors into whatever shape you want. Now...I got this idea from my favorite website: . You can visit their website and search for gelatin bow. You then can see pictures of all I've listed. Have fun and check it out! 'Til next time!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Let's Celebrate Birthdays!!
While we celebrate the birthday of our nation...Happy Fourth!...I've also been celebrating my kids' birthdays. Happy Birthday Carter of "Carter Safari" clothing! Check her clothes line out at
It's been a busy time of year for me with cakes to make and then there were also my own kids' birthdays to also celebrate with cake. This is a picture of Sean's cake. He wanted a Runescape cake complete with portal. (Runescape is an online computer game set in a medieval world. It's actually a fun game. I play it myself...when I have time...and my two sons taught me.) Sean wanted 8 characters. They are all his character wearing different armor and garments. But eight???!!! It was very hard to do these figures. I made them out of gumpaste. I was so stressed that when it came time for Christian's cake... I said no please no! Here's what it looked like.
and one more closer.
I added some exotic looking flowers and we didn't have a sparkler. Oh well. She was very happy with it. Isn't that all that counts though. If we could make everyone happy with cake wouldn't that be nice? I doubt the French would say yes to that! Or parts of Africa! It was truly yummy!!!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Babies and Showers
Well, I can upload some photos for you and would like to share some sugar with you. I mean it. First take a look at this cake.
This is a baby shower cake I did recently but take a look at the bassinet. Here is another view.
See the texture? It's ALL Sugar! This is the first time I've ever done a dry sugar mold. Here's what you do:
Take 1 cup of sugar (granulated)
1/4 teaspoon of water
Mix with your hands thoroughly. Avoid the temptation to add more water. It will feel dry. I should know...I made that mistake and it fell apart. Now I didn't have a mold for the bassinet. I just used a small bowl about the size I needed that was smooth inside and nice and round. Pack the sugar into the bowl all the way to the top. Now you do need to judge just how many cups of sugar you will need for the bowl you are using. After you pack that bowl (like you would with brown sugar), smooth the top with wax paper. Take a carboard piece or cake board, put over the top and invert. Wax paper and all. Let it dry overnight or for at least 8 hours. It will be solid and hard. Then just carve it out with a spoon. All the sugar you carve out is reuseable. Put it right back in your sugar bowl for coffee or tea. It's that easy! One caution...when you decorate it, don't use anything that is too wet or you will cause it to crumble. Have Fun! And please send me pictures! I'd love to see what you come up with!
Here's one more picture of a closeup of the baby. I'll tell you about that next time.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Sometimes you do all this work, get all excited about the creative process but when you see the finished results you're not happy with the work. That happens a lot with me. Does anyone go through this too? The cake looks great! Don't get me wrong. It's just that I know all the problems I had with it. For starters, it was suppose to be covered with fondant. The top tier is. I had ordered two nice big buckets (only 5 lbs. ea.) of ivory fondant. I didn't want to make my own and chance the texture not being right, so I ordered it. Well the 2nd bucket's texture was dry and wouldn't stretch. I tried to add a little of ingredients that would help but 3 hours later and behind schedule, I gave up. The end result was no one seemed to notice the 2 bottom tiers didn't have the fondant covering and ooed and ahhed at the cake. In my mind though...not how I wanted it to look.
I have found out though that even those beautiful professional cakes, even Duff's of Ace of Cakes, have something go wrong or is wrong that they have found a way of hiding. So...I won't be discouraged and neither should you be. Until next time...Happy baking AND decorating!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Recipe time!
2 1/2 c. all purpose flour
1 1/4 c.granulated sugar
3/4 c. dark brown sugar (packed)
1 c. Dutch processed cocoa powder
2 1/4 tsp.bakingsoda
1 1/2 tsp. salt
2 1/4 c. buttermilk
1 c. unsalted butter (room temperature)
2 large eggs
1 1/2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
6 oz. melted semisweet fine quality chocolate
1. Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Butter and parchment line two 8x2" baking pans
2. Measure all ingredients (except the chocolate) into a large mixing bowl.
3. Blend for 30 secs. on LOW speed, scraping bowl constantly.
4. Blend in the melted chocolate and beat 3 mins on High speed, scraping the bowl.
5. Spoon into the pans and level them well with a offset spatula.
6. Bake layers for 45 to 50 mins. or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
Storage: Double wrap the cake in plastic wrap. It will keep in the refridgerator for up to 2 weeks or in the freezer for up to 2 months.
Yield: Two 8" cakes.
Check out this link to see Toba Garrett and an advertised class she will be doing in Massachusetts.
Hope you like this cake. Blessings from me :) Pinkslppr